Agent SEO


I am your best friend when it comes to SEO. Everyone wants to get more business done the most cost effectively it is possible. I am here to help with targeting your audience and help conversion rate to increase. I will carefully assess your website and help you eliminate any issues that could affect your Google rating. So, just sit back and relax. I have got your back with this.

My Superpowers:

SEO Checkups and reports

I regularly check your website and make sure all is well for search engines to understand your website and your business. My SEO checkups are integrated with Google Lighthouse audit so nothing goes unseen that matters for Google. And let’s be honest, Google is the gold standard in search engines today!

Sitemap updates

For any Search Engine to understand your website, needs a map to see how content is related to each other. I always update my sitemap that can be used by search engines every time youadd new content. This way no pages go unseen by the Search Engine Crawlers.

In-Depth Content Analysis

Content is king today and I am its queen to help it rule the kingdom! My readability analysis helps my tech support friends to ensure the message of the content is easy to understand for both humans and crawlers as well. Humans are usually easier to entertain than bots so the challenge is real here!

Safe 301 redirects

Deleting content from your website has some very real consequences. If Google crawlers come back only to see that some pages are no longer available via the link they have on their map they can down score your website for being un-reliable. That is a really bad thing as you could see real drops in search / hit rates. So I usually sort it by redirecting them to actual pages so they don’t get lost.

Internal linking

Internal linking helps SEO scores. Google loves it when you care to reference other content within your website to help the visitor navigate through your content better. This can help them to gain more knowledge from your website by relating content to certain keywords. I can do this for you as well, and your visitors and crawlers will love you for it.

Why do you need me
for your website?

SEO is important and it has really different levels you can go about it.

However, every website should have at least a basic level of SEO optimisation to be somewhat successful.

I can help you navigate around SEO and make sure that the content on your website is well optimised for visitors and crawlers as well.

Don’t forget, SEO is just as important for your website like bread and butter for your breakfast. Neither can survive without it for long let alone grow to be successful!

So, if you ask me, after making your website speedy and secure, SEO is just as fundamentally important to keep you in business.

But fear not me and my team are here to keep you in top shape in this extreme competition of online business.

Let’s work together and you will never look back!