Defender Nova

Hi there!

I am Defender Nova! I defend your website from hacker and potential malware attacks. I have my very own weapon for every pesky little worm that tries to harm your website and your business. So, fear not, I am here to protect your website, and nothing gets through my line of defence. My creators keep me up to date with all kinds of threats. Therefore my training regiment and tools are always adopting to all old and new threats we know about.

My Superpowers:

Scheduled Security Scans

I am fast! I am really fast, and I have a whole plethora of tools at hand to cache (pre-load) your pages and Assets used on your website. This is my strongest and most powerful skill that makes a huge difference in your page-speed results!

2-Factor authentication

Most users have predictable passwords and hackers can take advantage of that. Many password can be easily guessed and for that us users are to blame. It is more convenient to use an ease to remember password. However, it makes our security weaker. You know how the saying goes… A chain is only as strong as its weakest link. Don’t let your password be that link. Enable 2FA now!

Audit logging

It is true that the chain is only as strong as its weakest link. Most of the time things go wrong by our own doing. However, you will never know what went wrong unless you can turn back time. With Audit logging I can take you back in time and allow you to learn from mistakes. I can keep detailed logs of every user action so no activity goes unseen.

IP Lockouts

Brute force attacks are common BAU activities for hackers. They create a bot to guess user names and passwords to gain access to your website’s back end. But even bots have to live at an address! I am capable of blocking them from even trying next time once I spot them trying to guess passwords. With me, you are well protected from these little buggers.

Advanced asset optimisation

This is the tricky part of optimising your website and experts are needed most of the time to achieve the best result. Warning! This could break a website if it is done by the uninitiated! So leave this to me and I will work out what code to compress, defer, combine, or move inline. I got your back so you relax, sit back and enjoy your day!

Vulnerability Reports

I am always on the lookout to find any type of vulnerabilities your website might have. You can request weekly or monthly report on this along with many other stuff my Defender friends can provide you about your website’s health and working status.

Why do you need me
for your website?

The above highlights are only a handful of my most important abilities. I can do a lot more to make sure your security level is at the top range of the most secure websites. Some people think that WordPress is hard to protect from attacks because it is open source. Well, they think wrong!

I am able to protect your website from all known vulnerabilities and I will protect it from the new ones too.

When it comes to security you need the best you can get. My weapons against the threats are powerful, precise and devastating to the enemy.

So once I took over security, you can sit back and relax. I will protect your website while you sleep or busy with growing your business.

Let’s work together and you will never look back!