Snappy Pro

Snappy Pro

Howdy my friend?

I am Snappy. Not because I get easily annoyed by people, but because I am able to create snapshots of your website in time. I am the backup hero quite literally. My job is to regularly create a snapshot of your website and ensure you can restore it to the latest working version at any time you may need it. Look, I know disasters are the last thing in your mind when doing business, but disasters are never a question if they happen, but a question of when they happen. So, I am like an insurance. Most of the time you don’t need me, but when you do I can save your day!

My Superpowers:

Automated backups at your schedule

I am a reliable fella, and you can tell me when your server is the least used by visitors and I will make sure I will use thattime window to take a cheeky snapshotof your website and database. My work is like insurance. For most timesyou don’t need backups, but when thetime comes and you need to restore yourwebsite I am here to the rescue!

Safe and secure incremental backups

Space is always an expensive resource! Therefore, I am capable of creating incremental backups. What this means, that I don’t alway take a full snapshot replicating the same data over and over again. I check what changed since the last backup and only record the changed data. This way I can save a huge amount of space!

One-Click restore

When the crisis kicks out I am here to save the day! I am able to restore the website by a single click of a button and I will do the rest quick and sound. Before you know it, your website will be back operational just like nothing happened. Well almost nothing. 🙂

Why do you need me
for your website?

People often think that they don’t need insurance because nothing ever will happen to them.

However, that is only wishful thinking and trust me, bad things do happen sometimes. Websites could break down due to irresponsible plugin updates, installs or simply the wrong action sequence at the wrong time and crisis can unfold in front of your eyes in a matter of seconds.

If you are operating a website to make money, every minute of offline time is money out the window. Not to mention the potential amount of precious data that is dearly needed to continue your business even after the crisis is over.

Look, the best if you don’t ever need me. But if you do need a backup to restore your site, my help could be that life saving belt in a car crash. So I do believe backups today are really like safety belts in cars.

Let’s work together and you will never look back!