Velocity Pro

Hey there!

I am the speedster of this group and I don’t just run very fast; I make your website load with lightning speeds you never imagined it is possible. If someone, I know how important for speed to shed all the unnecessary weight off. Well, my job is to ensure your website does the same. Me and my little friend Zippy will make sure that your website will run the fastest it can. You can count on us for that! Let’s the work begin, shall we? Godspeed!

My Superpowers:

Complete cache suite to dramatically speed up your site

I am fast! I am really fast, and I have a whole plethora of tools at hand to cache (pre-load) your pages and Assets used on your website. This is my strongest and most powerful skill that makes a huge difference in your page-speed results!

Gzip file compression

This issue is overlooked most of the Time. I can help you to configure your server to deliver your website assets compressed to further reduce the size your browser has to deal with. Smaller files mean faster load time! When it comes to page speed, size does matter! 🙂

Uptime and server response time monitoring 24/7

Whilst file size reduction and caching can make a huge difference in page speed, your server response time could become an issue as well. In order, to be able to address this, I can monitor your server response and uptime 24/7 and provide weekly reports about it. Just ask and I will get it done for you!

Blazing fast CDN to serve up to 2x faster optimised assets

Some files just need faster delivery! The shortest way between A to B is the straight line! This is crucial with the internet as well. We will cache your assets and files on our blazing fast content delivery network. This will ensure that the files will be delivered from the closest data-centre location to your browser possible!

Advanced asset optimisation

This is the tricky part of optimising your website and experts are needed most of the time to achieve the best result. Warning! This could break a website if it is done by the uninitiated! So leave this to me and I will work out what code to compress, defer, combine, or move inline. I got your back so you relax, sit back and enjoy your day!

Cloudflare integration

In case, you are using Cloudflare for DNS and CDN you have nothing to worry about. I can integrate my services perfectly with Cloudflare via my interface and manage cached files seamlessly. So there is no need to worry Cloudflare and I are great friends!


Why do you need me
for your website?

WordPress is a great platform to create dynamic websites! It provides the means to create a website with content that can be changed without developer skillsets. However, dynamic content comes with a downside.

The ability to change the content at any time without coding skills means WordPress must save your content in a database. This means, that every time someone visits your website WordPress must get the content from the database along with the instructions how to display it on your screen. This takes time each time someone wants to see your website.

I am here to the rescue! With my help, WordPress can skip the database query process and I will periodically generate a static web page to ensure your server can deliver the content with blazing fast speeds!

But there is more to this story than you might expect!

For a while now Google started to take account of the page speed of the websites as part of its algorithm to prioritise websites to their users that provides the best possible user experience based on page speed and other metrics of your page. This means if your website is slow, Google will prioritise other competing websites with better UX metrics than yours.

How do I do all this?

Imagine, all your website parts like HTML, CSS, JavaScript code etc. are delivered to your computer in packages. Normally they are delivered by the server without compression or optimisation. So these end up being heavy load packages that slows down the download speed of your website. My greatest power is that I am able to shed the unnecessary load by optimising the code and cut out all the unnecessary stuff that your website doesn’t need. Furthermore, once I analysed your website, I create a combined code package and always deliver it from our blazing fast server to speed up delivery. In the end you will have better user experience, because your website will load faster than ever and Google will love you site as well much-much more!

Let’s work together and you will never look back!