Zippy Pro

Hi! 10100010…

I am Zippy Pro and I am the strongest size cruncher of the team ever! Images are one of the main reasons that websites load slow. Most WordPress users don’t realise the detrimental effects of a wrongly optimised image can make on their website’s performance. I am able to crunch down the size of an image up to the third of is original size. Therefore, you can gain a significant improvement in speed just by utilising my image compression skills!

My Superpowers:

Image optimisation on steroids!

Obviously, this is my main craft here. I am a professional image optimiser. My algorithms are designed to cut down on image weight by a significant amount to ensure there is at least a twofold improvement in download speed without significant loss of image quality.

My own Content Delivery Network

I don’t only optimise images, but I have a cutting edge technology driven CDN in my control which I can use to speed up image delivery. I can do this by allocating the closest server to your visitor’s location and send the images from there. The shortest way from A to B is always a straight line. This is even true on the internet!

WebP Support

Yes that is right! I support the newest technology image format. This allows me to compress images even further for better speed. You see, I am all about speed. Just like my best friend Velocity Pro as well! I love working with her!

Auto-convert PNG to JPEG

It is a common mistake to upload image content in a less efficient format. PNG is a great format that support transparency when needed. But many times images without any transparent parts are still uploaded as PNG. These images will be converted to a more efficient format. You will not notice any difference apart from speed! Yes, that’s right!

Lazy Loading

Don’t be confused by the name of this technique! There is nothing lazy about loading your images here. What happens here is that I only load the images on your page when they close to becoming visible while you are scrolling. This way the page can load initially waaay faster! This is a very neat way to improve download performance!

Why do you need me
for your website?

Let us be realistic. You can use a cutting edge software like Photoshop to optimise the images you are about to upload to the best of your abilities.

However, in a real life situation people often forget about optimising the images and this even happens to the best of the best professional people!

In these occasions, or if you really don’t even want to worry about it I am here to the rescue. I will check regularly for new uploaded images and I will optimise it to ensure your website speed is at its best possible.

You can think about me as a great friend who is always looking out for you!

Let’s work together and you will never look back!